I am looking for genre-blending commercial queer Fiction in YA/MG/Adult/Graphic Novels with a particular focus on BIPOC authors and authors of marginalized identities.
- Rich and subtle world building like Wilder Girls or The Mortal Engine series
- Normalized trans and non-binary existence in worldbuilding, like the Tales of the High Court series
- Shamelessly manga and fanfic inspired stories like Foxhole Court
- Silk punk, Asian attitudes, historical revision that doesn’t think Europe invented the world (Socrates was born after Confucius died! Genghis Khan was a contemporary of King John! Guns were being used in China before the English invented longbows!)
- Reworking myth and gods and their influence, like The Sorcerer of the Wildeeps and Cyber Mage
- Sexy, dark, magical horror, like the Hexslinger series
- Queer romance with high stakes, like Lord of the White Hell
- Middle Grade protagonists who cry and fail and try anyways, like How to Train Your Dragon
- F/F romance, friendship, and intersectional girl gangs against the world
- Ride-or-die friendships and high stakes, like The Raven Cycle
Not Seeking:
- AI-generated or assisted work in any form, including author images or character art
- Non-fiction
- Genre fiction that perpetrates the racist, colonial, imperialistic, sexist, ableist tropes of the past
- Non-intersectional representation; no victories at the expense of another group
- Low stakes, excessive realism